Excited! Ian got his iPhone and look at him - he is crazily in love with this toy!

And it is 32GB! iPhone 3GS! Next - we are going to get our MobileMe :D

Ian's old phone - Nokia 3310 is strong enough to use as hammer (opps) if you plan to go for seafood - especially crabs. Talked about crabs, We took 5Kg crabs 2 days ago and the crabs are HUGE and MEATY and FATTY!
There was a "special" crab (not to say handicap) :p
Ian's so cute... LOL....
and I miss crabs~~~ whu whu.....
[ Miss . Crab ]
lolx ! its seen enjoy :D
If that iPhone is mine, I would surely be crazily in love with that thing too. LOL!!!
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