Thursday, April 30, 2009



《这一生最美的祝福》 所属专辑:《让爱走动》 词曲作者:赞美之泉











Starry Starry night @ Shangrila

I was listening to Joanna Wang's 'Vincent'
while admiring the stars and the night
during my journey from Shangrila to Dali

Where else could I see such beautiful nights?

Neither Beijing nor Kuala Lumpur.
Perhaps in Miri.

I prayed.

No photos of the night but some scenery of Shangrila from my phone.

Sunrise (scene from my room)

Pi Ta Hai - is actually a huge lake @ 3200m.

The sky is always BLUE with beautiful clouds.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sneak Peeks up at sheeload

I am excited about Sheeload May issue! :) I was able to create some samples for this May issue :) Here are some peeks at them...

Greetings from Lijiang

今天要离开美丽的丽江去到香格里拉 - 所谓的世外桃源了。原本昨天去的,但是发现到自己还没有去到虎跳峡和长江第一弯,所以就决定延迟一天。

前天在是束河古镇喝咖啡的时候遗失了我的外套。当时候虽然有一点失望,因为天气的确有一点冷,但是我却祷告说-上帝啊,我不想买冷衣了,美里穿不着。哪里知道昨天的天气热的把我的脸晒成像猴子的屁股一样!哪里知道会那么热,我完全没有做防晒呢!皮肤也一天内变古铜色了 :( 上帝啊!白白胖胖才对啊,黑黑胖胖多么不相称啊!

要起程去Shangrila 了。以上的照片是长江第一弯,效果不太好,因为是用手机拍的:p

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A letter to AUSSINO

What does 7 years mean to you?

In Bible
1. God RESTED at the 7th day :)
For six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea and all that in them, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exodus 20:11 KJV

2.COMPLETE. We should forgive someone 70 x 7 times! Completely forgive!
When Peter asked Jesus how many times we should forgive someone, "Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times." Matthew 18:21-22.

1. A WEEK = 7 days
2. Total colours of the rainbow.
3. 7 major notes in music = Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti
4. Perhaps for Chinese 七年之痒 :)

ME - Marlene
1. total years of service at AUSSINO.

It has been almost 7 years serving at AUSSINO. This is a place i grew up -> more mature -> older :p I thank God for allowing us to cross path and I truly enjoyed my journey and experience with all of you.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the following persons. (woo... sounds like winning Oscar Award)

1. Thank you Mr Anthony Lim for your guidance and love. Sir, it is my pleasure to serve in AUSSINO. I truly enjoy working with you although some might not understand why :D You are nice boss sir, don't hide it :)

2. My team - Melanie (ah fong) , Mac (ah fook), May, Xiao Xi, Jian Xin, Yi Hong, Yuan Yuan, Huiqi, Andy, Xiao Mei, James...YOU ARE THE BEST! 你们是最好的。 Thanks for your hard works and I feel so proud of you! 你们是我的骄傲 :)

3. Sara - you are not just a superior for me, but you are more than a friend, a sister. Thanks for the support and words of encouragement.

4. A-yi: Thanks for the food! But... please get the right Marlene's chicken wings recipe :)

Here goes the list:
Christine, Ah ling, Sarah - you are more than just my colleague :) THANKS for your friendship :)

Helen, Schnab, Angeline, Linda, Patrick, Heather, Carmen, Kalai, Eling, Kenny, Zhouping,Yvonne, Jessica, Yanping, Sharon, Robin, Nurashikin, Nurazlin, Shi fu, Jason, Siau Wen, Darren, Kun, Elun, Leslie, Jimmy, manson, paige, felicia, green ...

Thanks for the corporation given. I hope you will continue help the creative team in helping you to produce better design. For Creative department: NO Job Brief, NO Design :p

My farewell gift to all of you - is a story about myself. The old Marlene and the current Marlene :) Click here to know about it :) Take good care and I hope all of you will enjoy serving in AUSSINO - cause i really did :)

Remember - don't treat me as a stranger :) (quote from Byron)

God bless all of you and Jesus loves you :)
愿上帝大大的祝福你们:) 耶稣爱你.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Byron & Karen Brenneman

认识我的人 - 或者和我曾经一起在北京生活的人都知道我对Byron有一种不一样的仰慕。自从干爹回到荷兰以后,Byron是最关心我的长辈。他不单单在灵命上常常帮助我,扶持我,而且还让我的其中一个梦想成真。Byron 的太太- Karen 是我的保罗 :) Karen 对上帝的信心和对祷告的坚信 - 是我学习的对象。他们在中国很有影响力的人。他们有孤儿院,有基督教工厂,帮助很多农民工,还有英语学校。他们真的是神谦卑的仆人。

今天 - 和Byron见面了。明天他要回去美国3周,所以我没有机会在离开中国之前看到他了。他今天从很远的地方送我设计的衣服来给我。当着farewell 礼物。我很感动。拥抱他了以后,偷偷哭了一下 :( Byron让我可以自由发挥的设计,然后他的公司帮我出产,然后distribute :) 我没有钱,但是梦想却可以实现。

这件t-shirt 在中国有卖哦!大概RMB50元。可以在各大基督教书局买到,或者在CBD 教会也可以买到 :)

这是上周日和他们farewell lunch 的照片!天啊!原来我的脸真的很大!果然是面子大的人 :p

同一个时间也拿到了我的设计衣服的打样。本来想送给一个人,但是看到那个实际效果以后,就打消念头了! :( 看来还是自己当睡觉衣服穿吧~ :( 但是帮忙我打印的公司,工作的态度不错 :)

OK.. back to work! 抓蛇20分钟了!少许有一点罪恶感 :p BACK TO WORK! 要back up 很多东西呢!

In His time

I just can't stop myself from praising God today. Let me sing this song.."In His time"
Ahem....Warming up... Do mi so do so mi do..... D major please....

Ah 1, Ah 2, Ah 1, 2 ....

In His time

In His time, in His time.
He makes all things beautiful, in His time.
Lord, please show me every day,
As You're teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say,
In Your time.

In Your time, in Your time,
You make all things beautiful, in Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing
Be to You a lovely thing,
In Your time.

Join me~~~~~

In His time, in His time.
He makes all things beautiful, in His time.
Lord, please show me every day,
As You're teaching me Your way,
That You do just what You say,
In Your time.

In Your time, in Your time,
You make all things beautiful, in Your time.
Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing
Be to You a lovely thing,
In Your time.

Lord, my life to You I bring,
May each song I have to sing
Be to You a lovely thing, In Your time.

In Your time........

(music fade off)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



PP 说: 在北京的这几年生活归一切荣耀给神;不要怀念太久;不要老记得在那儿的一切;不与在美里的生活相比较;将你在北京得到的爱与关怀全都包起来带回家与在美里的家人朋友陌生人分享。将你在北京的生活经历,不管是好的,不好的,都当成你展开另一端人生旅程的指南。

Sheerah 说: 想要为你打气!I guess uncertain future can be scary but also exciting, depending how you wanna look at it. 加油!

PP, 我会的!你里面有几句话让我笑了一下!就一下拉!好在身旁没有人 :p
Sheerah, 我愿意practise reading your handwriting :p 你做的卡片越来越solid 和nice 了!

是的, 在美里的日子, 是未知的. 但是我有信心-既然上帝把我带回去,一定会为我预备。Amen? (JB, 这句话,很熟悉吧 :p)

Thank you card

Thursday is my last day @ AUSSINO. Well, it has been 7 years working with this company (good number huh~) and there are lots of people I really wanna say Thank you to :) So I am going to prepare 25 Thank you cards - 4 designs in 2 days time :)

I will be moving out from my current house and staying with my friend starting this Friday. So I believe tomorrow is the last day for me to complete my cards :)

I will be going to Yunnan for 2 weeks. A nice place in China! Hopefully i will get a good rest before I go back to Malaysia. Pray for safety ya :)

Friends in Beijing, I will still see you after my Yunnan trip :)

Friends in Malaysia, See you "SOON" yet not too soon :) Reminder to "You" and "'You".... Shhhhhhhh the date of my return is a secret! ok? :) In case my family read my blog :p

Recipe for this card - ARG.. the name of the paper - i left at home! Will update tonight!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Knit for Need (Quilt for poor)

It is my job to send all the donors the quilts donation project that i run with my company and my friends every year @ China. Sharing with you part of the reports. Click here or click @ the cover to download the PDF :)

Enjoy viewing. Sharing the love with all of you.

Thank you Carin for this award! I pray that my blog will continue become a blessing to others and spread the love of God :)

Diane Noble is the great lady who introduced the new blog award. in her words, "it is given to bloggers who consistently exalt the name of Christ on their blogs. What a joy to see crafters blend their passion for Christ and papercrafting. This award is given to bloggers who share Christ through their posts or through the design of their artwork. We are commanded in Scripture to be 'salt and light' sharing the Good News of Jesus no matter where we are (Matthew 5:13-16). This award is just a way members of Women to Women: Sharing Jesus can say thanks for exalting Christ with us!"

Post the blog award in a regular post on your blog with the explanation, including the original link to
WTW and the rules for passing the award along
1. Name five people (more or less is fine!) to whom you want to offer this award and link to their blogs. The blogs need to obviously exalt Christ in some manner.
2. Contact the bloggers you have named to let them know they can pick up their blog award from you.
3. Invite them to permanently display the WTW blog badge and/or the award on their blogs. The badge can be obtained on the
WTW site.

So my recipient is: (so far i only came across 1 :) I hope i could find more!)
~Sheerah at Sherah's border
- I love her heart of serving as a great servant of God. Using her gift and talents in spreading God's love :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Accidentally saw someone wearing the t-shirt I designed last year! Woo.. hopefully can get myself a copy before i go back malaysia. 今天不小心看到在教堂看到有人穿我去年设计的衣服!希望可以带几件回去马来西亚!自己穿也爽!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

T-shirts design

Oh boy, you are such an inspiration to me :) 你真的是我的灵感!

2 days ago, I was chatting with a youth(new born christian) about should christian take wine? He is 17 this year :) 两天前和一位17岁的少年谈有关“‘基督徒可以喝酒吗?" 他是一位刚刚信主的少年。

Youth: "Shifu, how? Am i wrong for drinking wine that night?"

Marlene:"Well, the bible didn't say NO for wine. Even Jesus changed water into wine to serve the guest in a wedding! BUT, the bible did mention that we shouldn't get drunk though.... "
师傅: 圣经里面没有说基督徒不可以喝酒。耶稣还在一个婚礼上把水变酒给人喝呢!但是圣经说 - 不可醉酒!

Youth: 'Now I know why my youth leader mad at me! This is because I didn't stop my friend from getting drunk!"

Marlene: "It's ok. Just don't repeat the same mistake in the future. Say sorry perhaps and everything will be fine."
师傅:无所谓。当它是一个教训。悔改。不要重复就可以了 :)

Idea 1: Christian shouldn't get drunk. Some more, he is only 17 this year! 基督徒不可以喝醉酒!
Idea 2: Repent and everything will be fine. 应当悔改
Idea 3: He is a new born Christian, it takes time to allow God to construct him. 他很年少。是可造之材!上帝一定会慢慢的塑造他!
Idea 4: I have faith that God will use him one day. He is going to be salt and light of the world. I look up to God and commit this lovely youth into His hands :) 我对上帝有信心,只要他愿意,他一定会成为世上的光和盐!这个信心,建立在神那里!

Here comes my design....

Design 1: Do not get drunk. 不要醉酒
Bible verse at the back: Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18
不要醉酒,酒能使人放荡; 乃要被圣灵充满。弗5:18

Design 2: Repent. 悔改
Bible verse at the back:
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
我们若认自己的罪, 神是信实的, 是公义的, 必要赦免我们的罪, 洗净我们一切的不义。约翰一书1:9

Design 3: Under Construction 修补当中
Bible verse at the back:
And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge;
And to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness;
And to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity. 2 Peter 1:5-7
有了信心,又要加上德行。有了德行, 又要加上知识。有了知识,又要加上节制。有了节制,又要加上忍耐。 有了忍耐,又要加上虔敬。有了虔敬,又要加上爱弟兄的心。有了爱弟兄的心,又要加上爱众人的心。彼得后书1:5-7

Design 4: Faith 信心
Bible verse at the back:
Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. 1 Peter 1:21
你们也因信着他, 信那叫他从死里复活, 又给他荣耀的神, 叫你们的信心, 和盼望, 都在于神。彼得前书 1:21

By the way.....
对了 - 我是设计师 :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Playing with Big Shot machine and Top Note die

95% of my card making tools are on the way back to Malaysia :) I shipped them back last week and it takes 5 weeks to reach my hometown :) I pray that they will arrive before my arrival.

I ordered Big Shot machine and few set of stamps through a friend from USA but the shipment was delayed. So, i have these toys with me these few weeks. Thank God for His great timing - at least i have some stamps to play with now :) Thanks Liza for giving me Top Note die as a gift! I love this!

So, with my Top note die, and my Cuttlebug Swiss dot embossing folder, i made few cards below.

Card 1: This supposed to be a Birthday card but I can't even find a "Happy birthday" stamp from my collections now :(

Paper: Kiwi Kiss (SU), Very Vanilla (SU) Tangerine Tango (SU) White card (China)
Ink: Kiwi Kiss(SU), Baja Breeze(SU), Yellow(SU)
Stamps: Branch Out (SU)
Accessories: Chocolate Chip grosgrain ribbon, Blue and white buttons, White embossing powder, heat tool, Silver brads, Big shot machine, Swiss Dots embossing folder and top note die.

Card 2: Suppose another birthday card for a "Teddy bear" :p

Paper: Pacific Blue (SU), Very Vanilla (SU) Tangerine Tango (SU), Kiwi Kiss (SU)White card (China)
Ink: Kiwi Kiss(SU), Baja Breeze(SU), Chocolate Chip(SU), Tangerine Tango(SU).
Stamps: Branch Out (SU)
Accessories: Kiwi kiss pokka dots grosgrain ribbon, Buttons, Silver brads, Scallop punch, circle punches, Big shot machine, Swiss Dots embossing folder and top note die.

Card 3: Wedding card for my staff

Paper: Real Red (SU), Pink (SU)
Ink: Real red(SU)
Stamps: Congrats (SU), Every After (SU)
Accessories: Buttons, Silver brads, Big shot machine and top note die.

This morning - i received 4types of ribbons from my colleague in Shanghai. My colleague knew i love card making and ribbons and she works in Production department. So, she gets the factory to print extra 20meter for me each design! Wow,.. my favourite Blue and Brown pokka dots! My colleagues are lovely group of people :) Thank you!

Creative Malaysian Blogger Award

Woohoo! It is an honor to received this award! Thanks to Joan and Sheerah for nominating me! :) Thank you thank you and pai say pai say :)

This award was created by Team Etsy Malaysia to promote, and hopefully, build a network of creative Malaysian bloggers around the world.

The 5 sources of my inspiration are:
1. Etsy
2. Splitcoaststampers
3. Studio No. 8
4. Mad Imaginations
5. My Favorite Things

The 5 nominees of this award are
1. Agnes
2. Ciyou
3. Ying
4. Giannicarveshop
5. Evangelione

Now here are the expectations that come with the award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. List your 5 sources of inspiration.
3. Nominate 5 other Malaysian blogs which demonstrate some form of creativity.
4. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
5. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog, and if possible, make sure they follow these 6 steps too!6. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received your award.

Spread the award and Enjoy~~

Monday, April 13, 2009

Whole latte love + Thank you card

I am leaving Beijing in few weeks time :) Well, all of my things been moved out and left very little cards making tools with me :) However, I know I have to do lots of Thank you cards and some friendship card to my close friends, colleagues and pastors in my Beijing church.

I had this idea "Whole latte love" after my latte time with Barnabas. Barnabas loves latte and I love caramel coffee :p or... Ice blended Mocha is my favourite :p I took out this set of stamps and made this card. Well, I left 3 sets of stamps with me only :)

Cardstock and paper: Plaid Paper (This is a gift from Kurtis, I am not too sure of the brand), Very Vanilla (SU)
Stamp: Font of you (SU)
Ink pad: Chocolate Chip (SU)
Accessories: Chocolate Chip Ribbon, Silver Brads, Styled Silver Hodgepodge Hardware.

Recipe (1st trial of my Big Shot :p)
Cardstock and paper: Plaid Paper (This is a gift from Kurtis, I am not too sure of the brand), Very Vanilla (SU), Kiwi Kiss (SU), Chocolate Chip (SU)
Stamp: Font of you (SU)
Ink pad: Chocolate Chip (SU)
Accessories: Silver Brads, Styled Silver Hodgepodge Hardware.

A few quick Thank you cards (6 pieces in total)

Cardstock and paper: imaginisce: Fairest of Them All: Enchanted Garden, Very Vanilla (SU)
Stamp: Say it with Scallop (SU)
Ink pad: Kiwi Kiss (SU)
Accessories: Pokka dots Kiwi kiss ribbon, Eyelet border.

Friday, April 10, 2009

我的见证 My testimony (updated)

既然如此,就和大家分享。英文版本 - 即将出炉 :p
Due to certain reasons, I have to quiet down myself and write my testimony. Well, sharing with all of you who read chinese :) English version... just click the audio file :) You will hear lots of
So, so so" :p


我没有像保罗般的见证 - 180度的转变。
我没有像但以理的见证 - 在狮子坑里- 还可以安然无惧。

小时候我很喜欢去教堂因为爸爸妈妈说 –去教堂的小孩子不会变坏。而且我喜欢教堂,因为除了学校以外,教堂是一个可以容许我炫耀的地方。在学校样样都第一 ,大家都认识我了;去教堂也要让更多的人知道我 – 罗玛玲:一个品学兼优,琴棋书画,什么都行的女孩。为什么我会这样呢?因为我在家排行第2, 常常感觉到家里没有爱。爸爸很疼爱姐姐,妈妈很疼爱弟弟。那我呢?到底谁会疼爱我?[心理学也证明了这个是2nd Child Problem :) ]

因为如此,我很努力求学。为了让更多人肯定我的存在。我这么做 – 也是为了得到父母的注意力。我小学就接受耶稣,但是我很肯定 – 耶稣只是我的顾问。他根本不是我生命中的王。

这种挂牌的基督徒生活 – 延续到了中学。我甚至受洗加入教会。但是,回顾 – 当时候的我根本没有活出基督徒的生活。我说话没有经过大脑,偷东西,陷害别人,很有居心。

高二时候,参加了一个营会。记得讲员挑战少年人的时候,我默默的做了一个祷告。我说 – “上帝,每很多人的眼中,我是一位很棒,很出色,很有才华,很友善的人。但是上帝,我知道,我明明就是一位拥有所谓天使脸孔(善良而已啦)但是却内心邪恶的人。我善于淹示,差一点可以拿奥斯卡奖了!上帝,是不是因为这样你看到这样的我,所以你不让我的家人爱我。上帝! 为什么我感受不到爱。你不是明明说爱我吗?为什么我一点都感受不到? 上帝,不如这样 – 如果你可以让我感受到我是被爱的,我愿意悔改!我愿意!我真的愿意!”

祷告完以后,并没有像童话故事一样Pringggggg 就变了另外一个人。然而,我的改变是经过时间慢慢磨练的。我记得,当年我拿了模范生奖,我感觉我的父母好像一点都不感觉到骄傲。我很失望。但是颁奖典礼那天,爸爸却穿了西装,拿着很大的相机帮我拍照 - 还抱着我说“爸爸以你为荣”。上帝啊!我感觉到爸爸的爱了!我真的感觉到了!我好开心!我好满足!好,上帝!既然是我们的deal, 你就改变我吧!我愿意。


生命最大的改变 – 就是和家人的关系。喜欢阵风吃醋的我开始学习接纳,忍耐。生命常常经历上帝。开始用真心对待身旁的人。最感恩的就是能去到北京生活了5年。我想,这个地方是我帮助我改变的地方。在这里 – 我看到“一山还有一山高”; 在这里 – 我感受到了施必受更为又福气;在这里 – 上帝更让我看见他创造的罗玛玲- 虽然不是什么大牌人物,但是只要愿意谦卑 – 上帝一定会大大的使用我,而且raise me up! 我 – 原来也可以成为别人的祝福。




罗玛玲笔于2009年4月8日@ 北京


One thing i forgot to mentioned in my sharing this morning was: God taught me to be a humble person. He reminded me that - If I am humble, He will use me and raise my up! And I have to say Thank you to my sister - who was the one spoke to my daddy about my feelings :) I thank God for this family :) Thank you Jesus.

Thank you Kwen for the video :) Some more with Byron inside :p

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Are you interested in joining Sheetload?

SheetLoad is looking for four (4) great artists to add to the wonderful team. Are you interested?  Click here for more information. It is FUN to be part of the team! I am enjoying it now :)

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Show us your sheetload

I am in love with the stamps set from The Greeting Farm. I knew them through Sheetload e-zine. In order to win a free stamps set from The Greeting Farm, I have decided to join the challenge! How about you?

Pup Star (Retail Value: $15)

Miss Anya Collection (Retail Value: $18.00)

Click here for more info!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Color Inspiration #48

90% of my things are in the boxes and ready to be shipped back on wednesday morning. However, I used my remaining mini card making tools to make this card :)

Stamps: Trendy Trees
Ribbon: Kiwi Kiss pokka dots (china), Chocolate Chip (SU)
Papers: Kiwi Kiss (SU), Chocolate Chip (SU_ Whisper White (SU)
Accessories: Button, Brown string, sewing machine

Thursday, April 02, 2009

A nice + creative card to share

Barnabas sent me this card. Although it is not handmade - but i really love this card. I flip through it again and again and again and again. It cheers my day :) I know it is not easy to handmade a card - but i have to say - it is not easy to choose the right card to the right person too :) Bar, I really really love this card! Thank you! It is a card from graphiteplus.

Share the design of this card with you :) I am putting this card as my own challenge - to handmade a card with similar theme to my Barnabas.

Thanks Bar. I will miss you too! I thank God for your friendship.

Today is a tiring day - as I packed till 430am. However, 2 deadlines today! I will meet the deadline and.. tonight is my card making night! :)

April '09 SheetLoad of Cards

The April issue of Sheetload is really a good one. I love the stamps! They are from The Greeting Farm! I never own a set of stamp from them and I am going to get some! You can now download the April issue, no foolin'!

And I saw there is a new challenge! Wow! ShortCuts, SheetLoad & Cuttlebug challenge! I hope I still have the clear/frosted card with me! I would love to join the challenge! Click here to know more about the challenge!