I made a card and wrap the gift for Sharon yesterday night. Looks ok :p I quite happy with this.

YES! Another birthday celebration this month! It is Sharon's birthday!
I met Sharon when I was 7 (right?) We joint the same sunday school, same choir, same primary school (but she is younger than me) , we learnt the same musical instrument and we hang around often even when we were 16 or 18. She is very skinny tall and I love her like my own sister just the way she is :)
I am so happy that I could spent sometime with her today. I feel bad for not singing the birthday song loudly. I promise, I will do so tonight when i see her again after church choir.
We had lunch together @ a HALAL dim sum place. The taste of that Dim Sum is kind of.. weird but taste good! It makes me feel healthy when partake the food :p
I finally met Jungleboi (the blog friend) and he is a good friend of Sharon as well.

I was amazed when Ah Hui took out a card made by Sheerah from his bag. Wow, he carries the card everywhere! AMAZING! Congrats to the card - fall on the right person - a person who appreciate :)
Ok. Be back after church choir practice :)
OK. I am back :) I met a kid who read my blog sometimes and spent time with him and Sharon after church service! He was surprised to know it is Sharon's birthday so he sang her a birthday song :)

Boy Boy, 很高兴认识你!记得,不要那么夜回家!加油!好好发挥你的才华!

Sharon, hope you truly enjoyed this day :) Happy Birthday :)
Beautiful card Marlene & happy birthday to Sharon.
Happy Birthday Ah Shu.... bout my card, i think its been in his bag ever since I gave him, together with a lot of other stuff he never takes out... Hahaha. but i'm glad the card found an owner who appreciates it :) btw, boy boy looks very cute ah :P
thanks shera...hehe..
sii foo nice to meet you too...
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