Saturday, July 03, 2010

Movie - Hachiko

I watched 3 movies this week.
2 on wednesday at cinema
and one with daddy yesterday at home.

Karate Kid 3 - I LOVE IT :)
It reminds me of Beijing
Life in Beijing, friends in Beijing...
and reminds me of the right attitude towards things that i do.
2hour 15min shows, i truly enjoy :)

The main actor - Jaden Smith, son of Will Smith
is really done a good job in this movie :)
He acted in one of the other movie i watched before
which is really good as well named The Pursuit of Happyness (ya, not Happiness)
meaningful movie... must watch :) Will Smith and his son in a movie based on real story :)
Toys Story 3 - I LIKE IT!
Ah... if not because of bad sound system
i would say i love it :)

Hachiko - I SUPER LOVE IT!
I cried when i watch this movie.
The strong relationship between the owner and the dog makes me cry
The faithfulness of the dog towards his owner makes me cry
The story (is true story) makes me cry
I want a dog like this though...

Ah... i truly love this movie...

However, gonna sleep soon... will share more tomorrow after church :)
Hope you will like it too.
Enjoy :)


Jovial Teo said...

ya, i love hachiko too =D very touching and heartwarming

yvonne chew said...

enjoyed the trailer to the 2 movies. thanks for sharing. will go get myself the dvds ;)

Jo-L 欣颖 said...

PP, I like the movie - The Pursuit of Happiness very much too..I like the story of the movie and the right attitude for happiness

wah.. you so free ah, watched so banyak movie within a week.