Monday, March 30, 2009




我喜欢收到信的感觉。因为我会想象-那个人写信给我的时候,只想着我,感觉很幸福啊 ;)

除了过去的前任以外,我的PP也常写信给我。而且我们很少重复信封信纸的。连邮票都成套!但是现在的PP,2个月会收到1封就感谢主了:P 大家都忙------我知道。


Sheerah, 谢谢你今天的RAK改变了我今天的心情哦 :)
Sheerah 的卡-用的是我favourite纸呢!! Sheerah, 你的字体真的很医生!哈哈!但是-很有性格!:P

My God is a humour God (Part 1)

Something happened last Wednesday night... while chatting with HJ - suddenly there is a hidden fear in me and i quickly prayed....

"Dear daddy in heaven,
Thank you for hugging me walking through this Jordan river. But daddy, I donno y - I still have no confident that you will be with me wherever I go. I know, I know you promised me that you will not forsake me or leave me but father, can you assure me again please? I can't see very bright future in Miri but I know this path is full of your blessings and i will just open my hands, stretch out and waiting to receive you abundant blessings.

Daddy, can you assure me that you will be with me again? I know, I know... I know i can open bible and read Isaiah 41:10 but i ... just want to see miracles.... again please :(
I know you love me and I love you too...

In Jesus name i pray, Amen."


And i click on Our daily Bread after that...

The verse of the day:
" Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." —Matthew 28:20

WOW GOD!!!!!!!!!! You even mention my SURNAME in your words today!!!! (my surname is Lo)
AMAZING GOD!!!!! You are such a humour and lovely God!

(although i know Lo means In Him in Hebrews)



This is what i read that night :)

In All Kinds Of Weather
Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. —Matthew 28:20

When Jesus sent His disciples out, He gave them this promise: “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). Literally, the word always means “all the days,” according to Greek scholars Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown.

Jesus didn’t simply say, “always,” but “all the days.” That takes into account all our various activities, the good and bad circumstances surrounding us, the varied responsibilities we have through the course of our days, the storm clouds and the sunshine.

Our Lord is present with us no matter what each day brings. It may be a day of joy or of sadness, of sickness or of health, of success or of failure. No matter what happens to us today, our Lord is walking beside us, strengthening us, loving us, filling us with faith, hope, and love. As He envelops us with quiet serenity and security, our foes, fears, afflictions, and doubts begin to recede. We can bear up in any setting and circumstance because we know the Lord is at hand, just as He told Paul in Acts 18:10, “I am with you.”

Practice God’s presence, stopping in the midst of your busy day to say to yourself, “The Lord is here.” And pray that you will see Him who is invisible—and see Him everywhere. — David H. Roper

God’s unseen presence comforts me,
I know He’s always near;
And when life’s storms besiege my soul,
He says, “My child, I’m here.” —D. De Haan

Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. —Isaiah 55:6

Saturday, March 28, 2009

March 09 - Show Us Your Sheetload

I started to get addict in challenge. Challenges can be very inspiring and fun! I know I have only a day to participate in this challenge (cause i was traveling for the past few weeks) so i quickly design a card using the sketch in March issue 2009.

Here comes my card. My friend ShinYing needs a card of prayer - so i took this challenge to make a prayer card for her.

Card stocks: White, chocolate chip
Paper: American Craft (baby) and Basic Grey (loose piece... and the name is gone :p)
Accessories: Lace, Prisma flower and buttons.

Sheetload April Sneak Peeks

I saw the sneak peeks for April 2009 @ Sheetload today! The stamps from the sponsoring company are lovely! I can't wait to see!

Head on over to the SheetLoad blog to see all of the sneak peeks.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


本来昨晚想把很多发生的事写下来,但是因为太开心,不能乖乖的坐着blogging, 所以只写了一项开心事而已。既然要分享,就不要alang-alang.



1。发现到自己的老板真的很恩待我。虽然我离职了,但是他依然为我铺后路。他让公司高级人员知道我只是离开1年...虽然我觉得.... (心情复杂)但是感觉到那个爱 :) 谢谢老板。

2。担心没有钱把东西ship回Miri 的时候(因为之前那到的quotation 是大概8千元马币) 内心忽然祷告 - 上帝怎么办?没有想到我可以透过公司的船,把东西送到吉隆坡,然后我在把东西从吉隆坡寄回美里,大概花费 800元马币!上帝啊!你太美妙了!当然不能ship 全部东西,.. 可能要牺牲我的钢琴了 :(

3。我告诉上帝,我想回去美里前去云南玩一玩。就差了当天的机票价钱,发现到如果我用马行,从北京回美里会必我从广州回美里便宜600元。我又祷告了。忽然间, "Air Asia" appeared in my mind. 我就去check. What? 才300元马币就可以回到KL????? 而且我可以upgrade to 25kg 的行李。Oh No~ 上帝,你太厉害了!

4。我不小心找到了brads supplier. 平时要花3元美金来买50个brads(做卡片用的),现在,可以用2分钱来买一个brads!!!! 太便宜了!太开心了!上帝,我一定会好好让弟兄姐妹用我的工具狂做卡片的!

5。打算参加大专短宣。但是感谢上帝,因为那个短宣原来也给专业人士参加的 :p 问了蒋牧师,他说:我们需要5位学生才开班。现在有4位了。是的,我是第5位!希望这个是我美里的好开始 :)

6。和朋友谈天的时候,知道他需要祷告。忽然朋友致电,告诉我说祷告应验了!超级开心。开心不是单单因为祷告应验了,而是因为,... 我的电话响了!

7。晚上睡觉钱,看到了这个经文:Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness." Roans 4:4-5 作者做了一个conclusion: It;s time to quit trying in your own strength to lice a life that's good enough to please God. It's time to accept the free gift of salvation that the Lord Jesus provided for us. it's time to trust Christ and begin living for Him. 然后,看回这个短篇的主题,原来是 : Time to Quit your job? 哈哈很神奇。


hm... 为什么越来越少人leave comment in my blog :( 可能太多中文,ang mo 看不懂 :(

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


oh ya, JB, have a safe trip to Dubai :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Amazing Grace

There is nothing we can do to make God love us more.
There s nothing we can do to make God love us less.
-Philip Yancey

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

Friday, March 20, 2009

God will provide 神必供应


他说: “Marlene, 你是神的好仆人,好管家。如果你很清楚这个是上帝给你的旨意,那么我凭什么拦阻你呢?”


他说: "不是我愿意让你走,我很舍不得你,但是我相信你和神的关系很密切。"




老板给了我很多很好的offer. 比方说,让我在我的家工作1年,至少不会烦恼没有收入。但是,我问我自己:我是谁?凭什么接收这样的恩典?而且我真的要这样吗?




每一年,我和我的老板,联手教会都会举办一个很大型的捐赠全新棉被的活动。这个活动大概需要人民币250,000.00. 我和老板的协议是:我会找人赞助一半,他个人奉献一半, 透过教会和一些机构,把爱传出去,让穷人有一个温暖的冬天。而且是全新的AUSSINO棉被。名牌 :) 今年,加上运输费用,我必须筹128,501.40. 我没有信心。因为经济不景气。加上上个月结帐的时候,才筹了90,000.00.

Every year, I will run a bigger donation project of AUSSINO with my church and my boss. This project cost 250,000.00RMB. However, the "deal" between me and my boss is: He will sponsor half and i will try to raise funds for another half. Well, this year, i need to raise 128.501.40 in order to cover the cost of 5000 brand new AUSSINO quilts and transportation fees. I have no confident. I have no faith. Economic is bad, I said. Well,... the fund reached 90K ONLY last month (since October 2008)

今天结帐的时候,我们一共筹了133,056.79. 还多了4,555.39!

This is the day to close the account and I realised the funds reached 133,056.79! I have EXTRA of 4,555.39! Wow! Praise the Lord!

感谢上帝的供应!Praise God for his provision!
感谢David和我的巴拿巴的鼓励! Thanks David and Wan yeen for the encouragement!
感谢Yang Yan的一一付出!你很有admin的恩赐!Thanks yang yan for organized the delivery
感谢沈师傅的细心分货!Thanks Mr. Sim in distributing the quilts
感谢方惠安排交通!Thanks Fang Hui in arrange the transportation!
感谢春风把棉被送到穷人手中!Thanks Chun Fen for sending the quilts to places far from Beijing!
感谢每一位捐钱支持我这个活动的弟兄姐妹!Thank you to everyone who supported me in this project!

是的,上帝真的按他的时间供应给我。好像按时供应玛瑙和鹌鹑给以色列人一样。In His time, God will provide.

谢谢上帝。Thank you Jesus!

和大家分享一些这个活动的照片. Share some photos with all of you :)

这是其中一位受惠者的家。这的地方,我们也送了米和油给他们。House they stayed. We distributed rice and oil at the same time.

妈妈和孩子。The son and the mother
他们的房间. Their room.
我好像看起来很开心。其实内心很down 的。Don't cheated by my look. I wasn't that happy that day. I felt so heavy hearted to see the place they stay.
他们的房间 Their bedroom
他们的厨房 Their kitchen 
82岁单身老人 Old man at 82 years old
看他收到棉被有多开心!Happy receiving present!
广州地区 GuangZhou area


But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. matthew 6:33-34 niv

我的神必照他荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里,使你们一切所需用的都充足。 腓立比书 4:19
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19


和老板说了...是一种解脱.... 吗?


TD, enjoy your HOLIDAY!!!!!!! Eat! Eat! Eat!!! Forget about all the nutrition lah! :p

Wednesday, March 18, 2009





3:14-16 百姓离开帐棚要过约旦河的时候,抬约柜的祭司乃在百姓的前头。他们到了约旦河,脚一入水(原来约旦河水在收割的日子涨过两岸),那从上往下流的水便在极远之地,撒拉但旁的亚当城那里停住,立起成垒。那往亚拉巴的海,就是盐海,下流的水全然断绝。于是百姓在耶利哥的对面过去了。






所有的拦阻 - 都会变成往后的祝福


我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处。罗马书 8:28

Monday, March 16, 2009

Life @ Shanghai 在上海的生活

I didn’t bring any card making tools to Shanghai this time. 2 reasons. 1st – life will be very pack @ Shanghai due to a big project running on. Idea rejected – so have to start from scratch. 2nd – feel like quiet down and do more reading if I have time.

这一次,我挑战自己 - 完全不带任何一个和做卡片有关的东西来上海(但是可以买拉 :p ) 原因有2个。第一,这个trip 会是很辛苦的 - 因为要做一个很大的project. 加上最后一分钟我的idea 被拒绝了 ☹ 所以要从新开始做!第二,希望自己可以有安静和休息的时间。通常一有休息的时间,我都做卡片。这次可以安安静静的看书,听音乐,祷告。

This is the last card I made before I left Beijing. This is a card for Ocean ☺

Card stock:
Tangerine Tango, Pacific Blue, Kiwi Kiss, White
Stamp: Cheep Talk
Ink: Blue Bayoum, Chocolate Chip, Kiwi Kiss, Tangerine Tango
Accessories: Brad (Taiwan)

I know I will miss card making – but it is good to take a break. Will do more when I go back to Beijing ☺
我知道我会想念做卡片,… 所以答应自己,2周回去后,会拼命的做卡片拉!

WOW Day 5 without Coffee :) Well.. everytime i pass by starbucks.. i will still take deep breath :p

5天没有喝咖啡了!但是每一回经过starbucks 都回深呼吸 :p

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Soul works music

闭上眼睛 试着回忆
那些过去 有他的相依
或许距离 让你忘记
他曾应许 决不会让你




今天的我很emo :(

灵修的时候 - 眼泪汪汪
拉小提琴的时候 -Wheeeleee Whoaaalaa
更不用说唱这首歌“听见了" 的时候 - 泪水很像水龙头一样

压抑自己 觉得自己还很ok

原来- 这个很辛苦 :)


* * *




T, 谢谢你

谢谢你照顾我多过你照顾那些麻雀 :)

但是上帝 - 我不要穿麻雀的衣服哦……对我来说- 可能太暴露了 :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Color Inspiration Challenge #45

Kwernerdesign is one of my favourite blogs that I will visit almost everyday. However, this is my FIRST colour inspiration challenge... after a year of card making life :p

Basic black, basic gray and whisper white is always my favourite. I used to make elegant cards using these 3 colours combination. However, I challenge myself to make a cute Black and White card this time.. since it is called inspiration challenge :) No challenge meanings no fun :)
Here comes is my card.

Card stocks: Basic Black, Basic Grey, Whisper White (SU)
Stamps: Cheep Talk, Yummy (SU)
Accessories: Buttons and Black pokka dots grosgrain ribbon.
Others: Cuttlebug, scallop edge punch, heat tools, white and silver embossing powder

Thursday, March 12, 2009

每一个人都需要被肯定 :)

先来一个和这个主题没有什么关系的开场白.... 故事才能继续....

美里到底怎么了?我“混” 的一班白领朋友,开口关口都是这个人超D, 超S, 超I, 超C.
啊!Thank God 这个和身材一点关系都没有! :p 想知道这个和么东东有关,可以电击这里!(JB, I am promoting your blog! 收费哦!)

今天有一点感动。一位买过我卡片的陌生人说: "Marlene, 你卡片的设计和质量,值超过你所订的价钱。你的手工那么细腻,而且颜色搭配又很好。材料又是进口的!卖贵一点吧!由我开始!" (以上完全不是自我好恋而写的) 他就又订了10张。而且用双倍的价钱。

他是我最大的顾客。圣诞节时候,买了60张。寄给他的朋友和家人以后,还email 谢谢我做的卡!Haiz, 有几位顾客或朋友会这么做? :( 没有把卡片丢进垃圾桶就好了!所以感觉被appreciated :) 很安慰。:) 在自己“Syiok”的时候,忽然间SC却杀出这一句话: "Feel Apprciated! 超S!" ARGGGGG! GERAM! 好像被泼冷水 :p (eh,也没有什么可以geram 的啦! 哈哈!)

就因为这样,昨天一位新加坡的朋友要求我设计一张邀请卡给她儿子-Maximillian 1岁生日party时,我更用心了!做了这个设计给她,她很喜欢!所以今晚要做15张啦!oh! 生日在5月2日,而且主题是: Teddy Party!

Theme: Teddy Party - Maximillian 1st birthday celebration!
Stamps: Mark the date, Family Accessories, Calendar (SU)
Ink: Chocolate Chip, Tangerine.
Card Stock: White, Tangerine, Pacific Point.
Accessories: Kiwi kiss string, Sewing Machine, Circle punch, Scallop punch, heat tools.


很多人找人的肯定,我希望我的神给我更多的肯定 :)


hm.. 想坚持一周不喝咖啡。今天是第一天 :)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March '09 - Shout Out to SheetLoad and Win!!

Yoohoo! March "Shout Out" 

Since there was such a great response to the prize choice from last month, Sheetload of Cards are going to offer up the same prize for their March "Shout Out"!!

Click here to see the detail!

I should try my luck this time!

Monday, March 09, 2009

A song that came in my mind

I have to say that: I am very hardworking today. VERY VERY hardworking!
I focus on my Kids packaging and focus on my design for the company.

However, this song just came in my mind on and off... 
I donno y... 
but I think... Holy Spirit is praying for me.. 
is a song we sang yesterday during service... 

"Yes, Lord, yes, to Your will and to Your way
Yes, Lord, yes, I will trust You and obey
When Your Spirit speaks to me, with my whole heart I'll agree
And my answer will be yes, Lord, yes!"

Jeremiah 29:11
'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, ' plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'

Praying for you

Praying can never make things worse. At worst, nothing will happen. At best, things get better. Our believing prayers should be specific, persistent and absolutely convinced!

I decided to pray more for friends surrounding me and let them know that i care and will pray for them :) They are not praying alone :)

Recipe for this card
Stamp: Thoughts & Prayer (SU)
Card Stocks: Pink Pirouette, Chocolate Chip, Bashful Blue (SU)
Ink: Chocolate Chip (SU)
Accessories: Button, Pink Pirouette grosgrain ribbon, sewing machine, cuttle bug.

Recipe for this card
Stamps: Trendy Trees (SU) Thoughts & Prayer (SU)
Card Stocks: Very Vanilla, More Mustard, Chocolate Chip (SU)
Inks: Real Red, Kiwi Kiss, Chocolate Chip, More Mustard, Baja Breeze (SU)
Accessories: Kiwi Kiss pokka dots grosgrain ribbon, buttons, sewing machine, Spiral punch.

With similar layout and idea, i made another card for a good friend

Recipe for this card
Stamp: Thoughts & Prayer (SU)
Card Stocks: Kiwi Kiss, Chocolate Chip, Very Vanilla
Inks: Kiwi Kiss, Baja Breeze, Chocolage Chip
Accessories: Sewing Machine, Spiral punch, Coconut shell button

Before i sleep, i made another 2 birthday cards to 2 good friends - one in Beijing and one in Malaysia :) This basic Grey paper is my favorite.

Stamp: Cute and curly stamp
Inks: Kiwi Kiss, Chocolate Chip
Paper: Chocolate Chip, White, Basic Grey offbeat/eccentic/
Accessories: Cuttlebug, Coconut button, Kiwi kiss pokka dots ribbon

Thursday, March 05, 2009


1.  我很长气
2. 我真的很长气
4. 我的确很长气
5. 我非常的长气 :)
6. 都说了,我的确非常之很长气 :)

100对我 - 又代表了什么?
1. 数学成绩常常100分 
2. 喜欢自己一个人喝100+
3. 收到某人的100封亲手写的信
4. 第一次一次性卖了100张圣诞卡
5. 身旁只有100位朋友拥有我弹钢琴的专辑(认识的啦!)
6. 一个很难达到的标准 :(

不知不觉,100个post 了
我还会blog 多久?

朋友 Friends

看到boy boy 写一篇有关朋友的文章,忽然也有感而发 (当然也做了一些的research)

Boy Boy, 圣经里面也让我们看到几种朋友.

1.  约拿达与暗嫩
约拿达是很狡猾的人: 出鬼主意,并非为朋友的益;投其所好,得他人的欢心,耐为自己铺后路。暗嫩以诡诈之人为友,最终丧了自己的命 :( 这种坏朋友,要小心!

约伯遭难时,他的三个朋友就来安慰他花时间陪他、与他一同悲伤,一同哭泣。然而因为他们不明白约伯遭难的原因,凭己意、经验推测、批评,他们的话不仅安慰不了约伯,反而加深他的痛苦。于是约伯在痛苦的催迫下深深转向神,最终得着神的安慰。人上软弱的,这些朋友可能说的话不是你想听的,但是听听神的话吧 :)

3. 约拿单与大卫
(撒上18:1-3, 19:1-4,撒下1:25-26, 9:1-7)
一对很好的朋友典范。你有这样的朋友吗?有共同的心志、对神的信靠、患难之交、一起作战...而不是一起逃课哦 :)

4. 耶稣与拉撒路
( 约11:15,34-44)
耶稣称拉撒路为我的朋友。圣经里面没有记载他们曾经认识,或者一起去喝neslo, 或者去ice-kacang, 但是,,耶稣却说他是我的朋友,还为他的死而哭 - 最终还叫他从死里复活。耶稣称我们为朋友,不是要我们为他做什么,而是希望我们给他一个机会、让他在我们身上做什么。


我们爱你,因为你是我们的朋友 :)

Fifth Avenue Floral

I was out of control in cards making last night. The ideas just flow in and i finally made 5 cards and decided to STOP myself from continue go "crazy" :)

Think about March... I have 10 friends' birthday in March. Arg... now i managed to make 2 for them... Meaning another 8 to go :( Arggggg!!!! Focus! Focus! Focus!

I took out a piece of American Craft paper: Metropolitan-High Rise and search for the matching card stocks and TADAAH!... the ideas just came after that :) So i tried to mix and match the colour card stocks and i got Kiwi Kiss, Black, Whisper White, Baja Breeze and Basic Gray as conclusion. Oh ya, Liza is right, I will in love with Fifth Avenue Floral stamps set :) I thank God that I bought this set - else i might feel regret:( Well, i regretted for not purchase "She is all that" last year :(

The recipe for Card 1:
Card Stocks: Kiwi Kiss, Baja Breeze, Basic Grey, Whisper White, Basic Black.
Paper: American Craft: Metropolitan: High Rise
Stamps: Fifth Avenue Floral, Upsy Daisy and Floral (background)
Ink: Basic Gray
Others: White embossing powder, heat tool, American Craft brads- Leaf

I decided to make an elegant card for my church pastor in Miri. Huh~ i wanted to say Thank You for his time in helping me during my trip home.

Recipe for Card 2:
Card Stocks: Basic Black, Basic Gray, Whisper White
Stamps: Fifth Avenue Floral, Cute and Curly Stamp
Others: White and Gold embossing powders, Reversible Gold and Black Ribbon, Black lace ribbon, Silver brads.

A sister is not feeling well emotionally in my hometown. I know she likes Blue and White so decided to make her a card and send over to her :)

Recipe for Card 3:
Card Stocks: Baja Breeze, Chocolate Chip, Whisper White
Stamps: Pokka and Cheep Talk
Ink: Chocolate Chip, Baja Breeze
Others: Scallop punch, Round punch, sewing machine, White embossing powder, heat tools, Ameran Craft brad - Chestnuts

Time to WORK! :) Tonight going to make more birthday cards! Byron, Sam, Steve, WW, STKK, Usha, James, and....

FOCUS! Back to work!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Marlene @ Beijing

I saw this "Intensive English" posted on a wall @ a street in Beijing. I kept laughing @ this every time i looked at it, but today.... i have different feelings about this.

There are groups of Chinese - who aren't highly educated - and doing own business - are so serious in trying to communicate with foreigner just to earn living for themselves. They tried many many ways to speak in english in order to get the business when anyone dropped by their shop- chinese or foreigner. People might tease them, laugh at them for the way they learn english (I was part of those bad bad people), but they ignored all the negative voices - just to try to learn what they want.

They are serious in learning these sentences. 
They ignored the bad voices.
They know what they want.
They tried their best to survive.
They feel proud and happy of what they can speak - if they manage to get the business.

Aren't they lovable? 
No wonder people surrounding me said this before: "God so loved the Chinese!"

God, I praise you for opened my eyes today.

起初看到的时候,笑到翻肚,怎么他们可以这样翻译英文,而且... 太搞笑了吧!
Buy This - 败贼死 - 岂不是“失败偷东西的贼会死kiao kiao"





他们认真学习英语,想尽办法- 就是为了赚一口饭吃!


怪不得,有人说:上帝真得很爱中国人 :)

神啊!我感谢你 :) 

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


我曾经认为 - 只要用心做一张卡,写上"肺"话(肺腑之言),放入信封,写下对方的地址,贴上邮票,拿到邮局寄就可以了。(听起来也廷复杂得了!) 顺利抵达对方的手,或者半路掉进水沟都无所谓,反正自己做了应该做的东西!

但是最近我发现到 - 我很在乎对方有没有收到。因为,做一张卡真的不是三五分钟的事情 :( 要很用心的!很花时间的!很花钱的!很花精力的!

所以我决定,我都会“预先通知”,至少让对方期待 :p

收不到也无所谓了,反正对方知道 - 我真的寄了 :)

Ey, (JB 的Style) 俊贤小弟弟,反正你知道我会寄卡片给你 - 所以也没有什么surprise 了。
看!我真的寄了哦! 而且,还是吃饭时候写的哦! (有证据)

慢慢期待这张卡吧! 你爸爸可能会问你 "Wah , 阿贤, 你有北京的朋友啊!"
记得回答他“是啊!而且是人见人爱,车见车载,.... 也开哦!

Home is where the heart is

Home is where the heart is. Miri - is my home. Beijing is my 2nd home. KL is not my home "yet" :p Opss... Do i have 3 hearts? hee
心在哪里,家就在哪里。我的家在美里。第二个家在北京。第3个.... 还没有确定 :p Ops.... 我承认我是一个花心的人啦!

Suddenly missing Miri :) I was very touched by few Miri friends - and they make me missing Miri a lot. Hm... beside my family, i think they are the 1st group of people that makes me miss Miri :) Yay... you know who you are :p (Chun Sian commented that this phrase sounds like him) However, when i was browsing photos in this laptop, i realised i missed out something to publish in this blog - something special but i never mention :)
忽然间很想念美里。除了家人之外,这一回多了几位"老兄"和"大姐"令我怀念美里。看到笔记本里的照片,忽然很有感触!原来有一些东西 - 我忘记分享了!

This is Miri :) I took this using my phone. Can you see - blue blue sky and beautiful cloud? Hm.. this is something missing in Beijing :)
蓝蓝的天,这个在北京是看不到的 :)
This bakery shop is really a special one for me. I discovered this one day during my lunch with some "gangsters" :p The funny thing is the translations of the Chinese name. Well, have to forgive me for being very sensitive in "creative translation" :p
这个面包店的翻译 - 很“创意” 哦
The SPECIAL ice kacang is one of my favourite. I was shy to order 2nd bowl that day :( I should take another bowl of Red Bean :( So regret :(
我喜欢吃冰雹!后悔当天没有order 第二碗 Ice Kacang Merah. 所以只吃到了 Special :(
Crabs, Seafood, Bilings! Arg... I love these! 我喜欢这些!
Thanks Sheerah for sending my kolomee photo back to me! Yay! 谢谢sheerah 把我的干捞面照片email 回我!
Bakuteh - although is not a MIRI-food but it tasted GOOD in this Si Li Xiang restaurant. 十里香的肉骨茶还不错!
Went with my future business partner Ian and his wife Melanie, My mum and my little "brother" Jiaren.
Went again with my TD on Valentine's day! 又和"佳人"去了第二次!哈!没有啦,刚好情人节!
Extended my stay in order to attend Jeremy's wedding. Ha.. about Jeremy - we were like F4 during high school and he is a good buddy of mine :) 参加了我F4之一Jeremy 的婚礼。很巧,新娘是我小学同学,而且和我打乒乓的故事很有关系的哦!
Met up with the rest of monkeys! Arg... we were all high school friends :D 一班老朋友。看来我还是最年轻的哦 :p

Great memory :) 相当棒的回忆

Oh, our future + current office. Some "design" needed :p Ian, right? See, Big, medium and small MAC! Haha.. Anti-Acer :p (opps) 这是我未来得办公地方(我还以为应该work from home). 但是缺少了一些设计!哈!我们都是苹果user所以Acer要"siam pi" :p

Ops... lunch time is over... time to back to work :) 午饭时间已过!开工啦!

My New Stamps!

Wow! I have 9 sets of NEW design stamps + 11 sets of Sale-a-bration limited edition stamps! I tried to take photos of my new stamps and post here - but i scare mama will scold me for spending too much! :(

However, since I have extra stamps - i decided to send to a friend who loves to make cards and lives far far away from me! I mounted the stamps and ready to post out today! I made a simple card for her - and hope she will enjoy playing with these stamps as i do :) She never owned a single set of SU stamps - and i just wanna share my toys with her :) Do you sound like "her" ha :)
Here comes the secret recipe of my card:
Card Stock: Kiwi Kiss (SU) Whisper White (SU) Pacific Point (SU)
Stamp: Cheep Talk (SU)
Punches: Spiral, Corner rounder
Ink pad: Kiwi Kiss, Chocolate Chip, Tangerine Tango, Baja Breeze.
Accessories: Brad (American craft)
Others: Sewing Machine, White embossing Powder, Heat tool.
I made another card to a friend who i wish to buy him a coffee when i was in Miri. Well.... too bad i didn't manage to do it.. Well.. luckily i didn't promise that i will do so :p It is a simple card. Hope... he will like it :) I donno what is his favorite colour - so just make a more "man" style's card :p

The Secret Recipe for this card:
Card Stock: Pumpkin Pie (SU) Chocolate Chip (SU) Very Vanilla (SU)
Stamp: Font of you (SU)
Ink: Close to Cocoa (SU)
Punch: Spiral
Others: Cuttlebug and embossing folder, Brown string.


Right card at the right time! :) I experienced this today. :) Praise The Lord!

Liza sent me this card and it reached my hand yesterday - the day i landed Beijing - a place full of stress and far from home :) However, receiving a card or a letter - always cheer me up and it is just like a MAGIC - all my worries and unhappiness will gone in a second :)

This card says: If nothing ever changed there would be no butterflies.
Liza sent this to me because she knew i am at the Cross Point of making decision. She said: Changes is good! You will experience God's grace and blessings! Thanks Liza! Your card spoke to me again!
Liza sent me this card (below) during my stay in Miri! Her cards are really nice! Liza, i treasure your cards like how i treasure your friendship! Thanks!
Liza, I GOT MY NEW TOYS! Will play with them this week!

March 2009 Sheetload of Cards is up!!

Click here to download the latest issue of FREE eZine, SheetLoad of Cards: March'09 Issue. This issue is packed full of NEWs. New layout, New sponsor and New sample artist!

Excited! This issue is a great one!