他说: “Marlene, 你是神的好仆人,好管家。如果你很清楚这个是上帝给你的旨意,那么我凭什么拦阻你呢?”
他说: "不是我愿意让你走,我很舍不得你,但是我相信你和神的关系很密切。"
老板给了我很多很好的offer. 比方说,让我在我的家工作1年,至少不会烦恼没有收入。但是,我问我自己:我是谁?凭什么接收这样的恩典?而且我真的要这样吗?
每一年,我和我的老板,联手教会都会举办一个很大型的捐赠全新棉被的活动。这个活动大概需要人民币250,000.00. 我和老板的协议是:我会找人赞助一半,他个人奉献一半, 透过教会和一些机构,把爱传出去,让穷人有一个温暖的冬天。而且是全新的AUSSINO棉被。名牌 :) 今年,加上运输费用,我必须筹128,501.40. 我没有信心。因为经济不景气。加上上个月结帐的时候,才筹了90,000.00.
Every year, I will run a bigger donation project of AUSSINO with my church and my boss. This project cost 250,000.00RMB. However, the "deal" between me and my boss is: He will sponsor half and i will try to raise funds for another half. Well, this year, i need to raise 128.501.40 in order to cover the cost of 5000 brand new AUSSINO quilts and transportation fees. I have no confident. I have no faith. Economic is bad, I said. Well,... the fund reached 90K ONLY last month (since October 2008)
今天结帐的时候,我们一共筹了133,056.79. 还多了4,555.39!
This is the day to close the account and I realised the funds reached 133,056.79! I have EXTRA of 4,555.39! Wow! Praise the Lord!
感谢上帝的供应!Praise God for his provision!
感谢David和我的巴拿巴的鼓励! Thanks David and Wan yeen for the encouragement!
感谢Yang Yan的一一付出!你很有admin的恩赐!Thanks yang yan for organized the delivery
感谢沈师傅的细心分货!Thanks Mr. Sim in distributing the quilts
感谢方惠安排交通!Thanks Fang Hui in arrange the transportation!
感谢春风把棉被送到穷人手中!Thanks Chun Fen for sending the quilts to places far from Beijing!
感谢每一位捐钱支持我这个活动的弟兄姐妹!Thank you to everyone who supported me in this project!
是的,上帝真的按他的时间供应给我。好像按时供应玛瑙和鹌鹑给以色列人一样。In His time, God will provide.
谢谢上帝。Thank you Jesus!
和大家分享一些这个活动的照片. Share some photos with all of you :)
这是其中一位受惠者的家。这的地方,我们也送了米和油给他们。House they stayed. We distributed rice and oil at the same time.
妈妈和孩子。The son and the mother
我好像看起来很开心。其实内心很down 的。Don't cheated by my look. I wasn't that happy that day. I felt so heavy hearted to see the place they stay.
他们的房间 Their bedroom
他们的厨房 Their kitchen
82岁单身老人 Old man at 82 years old
看他收到棉被有多开心!Happy receiving present!
广州地区 GuangZhou area
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. matthew 6:33-34 niv
我的神必照他荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里,使你们一切所需用的都充足。 腓立比书 4:19
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. matthew 6:33-34 niv
我的神必照他荣耀的丰富,在基督耶稣里,使你们一切所需用的都充足。 腓立比书 4:19
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
和老板说了...是一种解脱.... 吗?
TD, enjoy your HOLIDAY!!!!!!! Eat! Eat! Eat!!! Forget about all the nutrition lah! :p
抱抱,我知道这是个不容易的决定。打从我们开始祷告到现在已有好几个月了。我深信拿出勇气向你老板递出辞职绝对不简单。但,就有如你18/3/09 的Blog所讲的,信心的第一步..今天你做了. 我们昨天也分享了若是神的心意,他会让一切都很顺利的发展..你的第一步神已经回应了.那么,有什么理由再令你思索不停呢? 神漂亮的回应再次见证了他那慈爱无比的父爱. 让他继续牵着你的手走在美里的乡土上,让你为他做美好的见证及继续的用你的生命影响更多你身边的人.
不過, 我想上帝要我們做事的時候,祂自己會為我們開門.
不是啦!我的老板姓林。他叫Mr. Anthony Lim :) 是一个很棒的老板。我想 - 有这样的老板是一种的福气 :)
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