Saturday, August 01, 2009

After Paint, Muscle Pain....

The Median Labs' directors decided to paint their office. Yes, all in WHITE. Yes, it is boring "colour" but Yes, we are going to add on colours on white soon! :) Due to budget, we have to paint all these by ourselves. It is fun as well to do it ourselves - and i think this makes us love the company more :)

See, Ian (one of the directors) was so busy - he painted the wall while answering call!. Nick is our 1st employed staff - and he came to help in painting. Thanks Nick.
Alamak - Marlene is too short... so I painted the corner and bottom part of the wall :)
This is our working area. We wanted to paint the wall to white. It was in a mess :) (photo from Ian's website)
Oh ya! This is Ian's 1st painting! Yes, he never paint before... not to mention about water colour painting etc.... Good Job, Ian
Obviously Bulan and Joanne are under Ian's mentoring. They acted like him :p Bulan is our "trainee" and she has very sexy voice and Joanne is a a pretty girl who joins Ian's young adults group. She came to help. Thanks both :)
Ok.. the outside of the building. Just the ground floor. We need to get the pro to paint the building for us before we put on signage next week.
The team! Another 2 ladies work as receptionist in our company :) (complicated position :p)
Tiring day but FUN! If i am @ Beijing now.. i will go for 2 hours massage.... Muscle pain now....


||αн yuиɢ || said...

waoo ! haha !! shih fu ! knot wait to seee ur median lab :D

Anonymous said...

Whoa... That's great that everyone can paint together...Haha...I like painting, but no walls for me XD

Horlic said...

Go for massage only when you at Beijing? Why ya? Malaysia a lot ar..

Rachfaith said...

Marlene,did u know that ur title somehow rhymes? haah

ruidi said...

that's what she always like to do....

Agnes Sim said...

wat company u are working now? ;-)

Marlene Lo said...

Rachel: We have to be creative what :p like what Ruidi said - this is what i always do loh :) Agnes - i just started own company - partner with Ian and my dad and we are doing CREATIVE graphic design, CREATIVE photography and CREATIVE videography. Hee hee. Hope the signage arrive today :)

Erica said...

Oh MY you have been busy...I wish you all the best with your new company. If you're ever in Arizona on a busness trip, please let me know. I'd love to take you to our local Starbucks. :)